Glycerine – جلسرين

Glycerin, also known as glycerol, glycerol, or glycerin, is a viscous, colorless, odorless alcohol with a sweet taste. Its chemical formula is C3H8O3. It is also used in manufacturing medicines, toothpaste, and plastic materials such as cellophane paper, and as a...

Texapon N70 – تكسابون

An anionic surfactant, a surfactant reducer, and a basic material in the manufacture of detergents, Cosmetics, and toothpaste, as it is highly effective in removing dirt, oils, and fats, in addition to its important role in producing thick foam

Ammonium Bicarbonate – بيكربونات أمونيوم

It is also known as Ammonium hydrogen carbonate, and it is a white crystalline solid, with a mild smell similar to that of ammonia, and practically it is considered stable at room temperature, its chemical formula is NH4HCO3. This material is used as a filler and is...

Boric Acid – حامض البوريك

Known as Boracic acid and Orthoboric acid, it is an odorless compound in the form of transparent crystals, granules, or white powder with the chemical formula H3BO3. Boric acid is used in the manufacture of paper, glass, artificial leather, glues, and detergents as...