Calcium Nitrate Tetrahydrate – نترات الكالسيوم

Also known as Norwegian salt, it is an inorganic and very hygroscopic compound, a white solid. Calcium nitrate is found naturally in the form of the mineral nitrocalcite. Its chemical formula is Ca(NO3)2. Calcium nitrate is used as an agricultural...

Citric Acid – ملح ليمون المائي

Citric acid Monohydrate, or citric acid anhydrous, is a weak acid characterized by its colorless, transparent crystalline form, with the chemical formula C6H8O7. It is used in the preservation and manufacture of food, beverages, cosmetics and industrial...

Sodium Sulphate – كبريتات الصوديوم

Also known as sulfate of soda, it is a white crystalline solid with the chemical formula Na2SO4. It is used in the manufacture of household cleaners. It is used in the glass industry to remove small air bubbles from molten glass. It is used in the textile...

Phosphoric Acid – %85 حمض الفسفوريك

A white compound, its chemical formula is H3PO4, its molecular weight is 98 g/mol, its density is 1.8741 g/cm3, its melting point is 42.35 °C and its boiling point is 29.32 °C. It loses water molecules at a temperature of 213 °C, and it is highly soluble in water. It...

Sodium Hydroxide – صودا قشور

 A white solid, hygroscopic compound found in the form of small granules or lumps. Its chemical formula is NaOH Sodium hydroxide is used in the neutralization of acids and the manufacture of some products such as paper, soap, and textiles.